International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia



IAH NSW – July Tech Talk

Results from a program of stock and domestic bore metering in the Surat Basin, Queensland

Impact of fire on groundwater recharge

IAH NSW – June Tech Talk

Putuparri and the Rainmakers screening

IAH NSW – May Tech Talk

Social Night & AGM

IAH NSW – 2024 AGM


IAH NSW – April Tech Talk

Sundowner WA

IAH NSW – March Tech Talk

Combined February Tech Talk – IAH NSW and IAH ACT

Annual General Meeting

End of Year Party

IAH NSW – December Tech Talk

WA AGM and Student night

How many ways are there to make a water table map?

Geophysics in groundwater: an exciting frontier

IAH NSW – Elders Night

IAH NSW Student Tech Talk Night

Student & Early Career Industry Mixer

Managed Aquifer Recharge in Mining

WA Social Night

IAH NSW – Regional Tech Talk

The Recharge Estimation Collaboration Project

The Fourth Phase of Water – Online

AGC NZHS Conference

Tech Talk – Fault Zone Hydrogeology and Risk

Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty Under Climate Change Scenarios

Special screening of : Undermined – Tales from the Kimberley

Fault Zone Hydrogeology of the Hawkesbury Sandstone

Remote groundwater supplies: access and sustainability for First Nations Australians

Presentation – Indigenous Groundwater Declaration

Qld AGM / Tech Talk

Groundwater and Climate Change Panel Discussion

IAH NSW – May Tech Talk

Groundwater Management 2030

IAH NSW Annual General Meeting

IAH NSW – April Tech Talk

IAH QLD – March Tech Talk

IAH NSW – March Tech Talk

IAH VIC Tech Talk

Technical Talk – Groundwater Relief

WA AGM and Sundowner

Tech Talk NSW

QLD Tech Talk 2023

Groundwater Modelling: Two Case Studies

IAH NSW – September Regional Tech Talk