International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

IAH NSW – August Tech Talk

Draft NSW Groundwater Strategy – will it meet your needs?

By Dr. Andrew McCallum


Our groundwater resources are becoming increasingly vulnerable due to changing climate conditions, population growth and increased land use. A long-term direction is needed to make sure the way we manage groundwater continues to evolve to tackle the critical challenges it faces now and in the future.

In a first for NSW, a strategy has been developed to better protect and share the state’s vital groundwater resources. The strategy will deliver an enhanced, state-wide focus on sustainable groundwater management for the next 20 years.

But the question remains: will it meet your needs as a groundwater professional? Come and grill the government with your comments and concerns.


Dr Andrew McCallum is the Principal Groundwater Strategist for the NSW Government. With over 15 years’ experience in industry, academia and government, he loves working at the nexus of science and policy. Having worked from home for 2 years, he’s excited and anxious about venturing into the city for an IAH talk and meeting real hydrogeologists in real life.


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