International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

IAH Christmas Break-up and Presentation: Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia

Friday 29 November, 2013

Come and join us for our annual Christmas breakup and presentation by Louise Lennon from SKM titled “Leading Practice Framework for Coal Seam Gas Development in Australia”. Food and drink to follow the presentation.

Come Join us

10th December 2014

5:30 pm for a 6 pm start.

Sinclair Knight Merz

Level 16, 452 Flinders Lane, Melbourne.

About the presentation and presenter

The Leading Practice Framework for CSG Development in Australia was developed for the Commonwealth Department of Resources Energy and Tourism (DRET). The work was done for the federal government to support the development of the National Harmonised Framework of CSG Development. Louise will set the scene providing an overview of the framework and key technical issues (around well integrity, water management, hydraulic fracturing and chemical use) and potential management and regulatory responses that could be adopted to minimise risks associated with CSG development.

Louise Lennon is a Senior Hydrogeologist and manager of SKM’s Victorian groundwater practice. Louise co-authored the recent work in developing the Leading Practice Framework for CSG Development in Australia.

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