International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

“Discovery and delineation of a groundwater mineral resource”

Presented by Chris Shaw – Australian Potash

Brine hosted economically important mineral resources are a relatively new field to both the mining industry and hydrogeological community. As with any new field of endeavour there is a lot to learn in the many aspects that make a brine hosted mineral deposit work.

Join Chris Shaw, exploration manager of Australian Potash, as he walks through the discovery and delineation of the Lake Wells brine hosted Sulphate of Potash Project. Chris will share what worked, what has been helpful, and some things to avoid – so everyone in the industry can be a little more effective in their future projects. The talk will also cover the role of geophysics in palaeovalley delineation, sampling and reporting against the JORC code.

More than just brine hosted minerals, Chris will cover some interesting geological insights into the history and make up of WA salt lakes

About the speaker:

Chris Shaw is the Exploration Manager at Australian Potash, bringing over 24 years’ experience as an exploration geologist. Chris has worked on mineral exploration projects around the world for a range of commodities including gold, copper, iron, rare metals, rare earth elements, and, in his current role, sulphate of potash.

About the Lake Wells project:

Located approximately 500 km northeast of Kalgoorlie, in WA’s north eastern Goldfields Lake Wells Potash is the current flagship project for Australian Potash.

The talk will also be streamed via Teams (link to be created) for those unable to attend in person.

 “Discovery and delineation of a groundwater mineral resource" image
 “Discovery and delineation of a groundwater mineral resource" image

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