International Association of Hydrogeologists Australia

How many ways are there to make a water table map?

Please join us for another exciting IAH Queensland presentation. This month, we will be joined by Sarah Marshall. She will be hosting an online talk

How many ways are there to make a water table map? A review of data inputs and interpolation methodologies including their associated errors

Water table mapping is a fundamental tool in hydrogeology yet there is no single method for producing one. A variety of input data can be used ranging from point-source hydraulic head at wells to topographic, geophysical and remote sensing data. Human intuition and conceptual knowledge of a system can also inform the production of a water table map. How can we capitalise on this broad suite of input data to produce a reliable, useful water table map? We examine the error in hand-drawn maps from over 60 groundwater specialists and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of more automated techniques such as kriging and machine learning.

About the Presenter

Sarah is a hydrogeologist and groundwater modeller working within the Drought Resilience Mission at CSIRO. She has a background in geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and environmental economics and has previously completed a PhD with Flinders University in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey and spent 6 years working on water resource problems within the Australian Federal Government. The research in this presentation is based on work with CSIRO and Flinders University collaborators Luk Peeters, Okke Batelaan and Saskia Noorduijn.



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